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Boto Alien was born from a few unstable minds, during college. After a very nonsensical conversation about a local legend, in our classroom, we found that the name "Boto Alien" was perfect for our small group of developers (and shitposters). Based in the city of Belém (PA), Brazil, making horror and adventure games is our thing.

But who knows what we might do in the future?


As an indie developer that is still learning it's way around, we will always do our best with the resources we have, and we hope you enjoy every second with our games. Be welcome!


Now, if you want to know more about the crazy people doing these games, just keep scrolling.

mayara albuquerque


Somehow, I manage this developer. I found myself being Boto Alien's game designer (at least as long as my colleagues can stand me) and I try not to completely suck at this. I've been writing some questionable quality literature for many years, but games have been my refuge since I was 6, when I was converted to a religion called Tomb Raider. Most of what I write is horror, and I'm a Silent Hill kid, so that reflects on our games. What can I say? I like scaring people. 

yago vasconcelos


My name is YAGO. I'm a dude that plays a bunch of OLD GAMES. I make pixel art and I also try to program sometimes, BUT I'M NOT VERY GOOD AT IT. I often watch anime (especially one about ripped guys invoking battle spirits and their bizarre adventures). I also play more cheerful and colorful things than expected from someone my age (like Nintendo).


caio pereira

My name is Caio. I'm an artist in the team. Basically, what this means is that I can draw. It also means that as long as I'm creating 2D art and the group's answer is "hum, ok" I can join in. I always enjoyed games, so to create visual designs for them is very cool. My favorites are RPG, strategy, puzzle and exploration games. I remember Starcraft was one of the first ones I've ever played, and to create strategies was fun. Since then, I was sucked to this universe. I like movies, in general; they're my source of inspiration. Anime too. I've been developing my otaku side, especially because I like to insert references in my work and really, is there anything more important than references? I may be an enthusiast of gaming, but I still got much to learn, yare yare. 


I'm a poet when I'm silent.

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